Bret Dawson, General Manager at MIControls, Inc.
We were fortunate enough to become involved as a PROLON distributor in 2017 and brought the product on after some initial testing and were impressed with the simplicity in conjunction with product functionality. Took the product to market with the idea of introducing it to the broader contractor market. With PROLONS support we were able to establish a series of training classes for one on one sessions with Sales Staff, Technicans etc. to expose them to the product. Many of our contractor base are now using it as their primary solution for Medium to Small Building applications that have involved a myriad of applications. Many replacements of existing systems that have been aging in our market.
Primary uses in our market include:
Zoning both pressure dependent and independent, Prolon offers the most functional and easy to deploy configurable zoning platform we have ever utilized, also the most flexible.
Standard RTU, HP and Air Handler applications for up to 4 stage cooling, 3 stage heat or hydronic.
Water Source heat pump systems from Plant Control to the units themselves.
Boiler staging, pump lead lag.
Make up Air systems
Unique applications with the use of the FLEX IO which we have found to be extremely useful for non out of the box control needs.
Both PC based, APP based and Cloud based accessibility “no fees”
We like to use the term based on our experience “If you wire it correctly, it works”
This is one solid product and the support from the PROLON team is phenomenal.
Gus Bauder, director of Building Automaton at Temperature Controls Systems
Prolon at TCS is used in these basic applications:
Sold over the counter to service contractors;
Converting a standalone Pneumatic VAV or FPB to DDC with an open protocol controller that can be integrated to a full blown automation system.
Paul DeThomasis, Operations Manager at Springbank Mechanical Systems Ltd.
I just wanted to give some positive feedback on the new HVAC control system we’ve just commissioned at a new Canadian Retail Big Box Store… I LOVE IT!!!!
The program is so easy to navigate and configure for both for the installer and the end user.
With it being so busy, it is nice that we can now log online and assist our customer with HVAC related issues remotely.
Ted Hoffman, Sales Manager at Minvalco
“At Minvalco, we sell JACE controllers to our controls contractors and Prolon controllers to our service contractors….over the counter!”
Luc Valcourt, Chief electrician at NovaBus
I am proud of our choice to go with Prolon’s products… for the past 4 years, the system has met our needs and has allowed us to be much more efficient in terms of heating/cooling/ventilation for all our factory office spaces.
I recommend Prolon!!
Ben Graham, Director of eCommerce at Eldis Group
Since it’s been almost a year I thought I’d let you know that the HVAC system is actually working out really well. The different zones are maintaining different temperatures and we moved from winter to spring without having any issues with humidity or temperature.
So, thanks, looks like the system you selected and installed is a winner.
Alex Tagliani, Professional racing driver
I like to have control….whether I’m racing at top speeds around the racetrack or just looking to make our home climate more comfortable for my family.